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Staging is a snap when ordering from Complete Rent-Alls. We specialize in various types of staging, catering to everything from large festivals and fashion shows, to small corporate and private events. No matter how big or small, we have the supplies and skills to make your event a success while keeping within your budget. Our material backdrops range from 6' high up to 20' high, and we carry various other items to complement the staging such as podiums and P.A. Systems. Please feel free to contact us and one of our skilled employees will be able to help you decide which style of staging is best for you.
Having an outdoor event? Not a problem. We can provide staging with or without a tent covering. Outdoor events we have provided staging for include: The Burlington Rib Fest, It's Your Festival, Festival of Friends, The Ancaster Fair, The Winona Peach Festival and The Burlington Sound of Music Festival.

Complete Rent-Alls has set up staging for visiting dignitaries such as Prince Charles, Prime Minister John Chretien, Joe Clark, Brian Mulroney and Bob Rae. We have also designed specialized stage layouts for events such as the Ontario Figure Skating Competitions.
Call us at 905-389-2209 to talk to one of our Staging specialists, they would be pleased to assist you in your decision making.