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Trade Shows

For over 50 years, Complete Rent-Alls has continued to expand their inventory and have become one of the leading suppliers of tradeshow rental equipment in the golden horse shoe area.

We have supplied equipment to various convention facilities such as the Hamilton Convention Centre, the Metro Toronto Convention Centre , Copps Coliseum, Redeemer College, the Better Living Centre, the Windsor Convention Centre, The International Centre as well as various community centres in the Golden Horseshoe area.

Some of our trade show rental equipment that you may be interested in include:
We are also able to assist you in designing the perfect floor plan using a specialized computer program capable of generating 3D images of your layout.
Color options include: Black, White, Green, Red, Blue and Yellow. Draping available 3', 6', 8', 10' or up to 20' high. Accurate pricing not available without a floorplan.
Call us at 905-389-2209 to talk to one of our Trade Show specialists, they would be pleased to assist you in your decision making.